Monday, March 8, 2021

How the world's three great men of business changed the way we live

By Jun Miranda

Among business icons in recent times that I admire the most, Steve Jobs, Jeff Besos and Elon Musk are on top of my list.

Without an inch of doubt, I believe that these great souls changed the way we live in a tremendous way. They opened new paths where no man has dared to tread before.

Steve Jobs showed us how to put all the world’s depository of information and entertainment in our pockets;

Amazon founder and CEO Jeff Besos, taught us how, with just a tap of our finger, we can almost have anything we want and need from around the planet and;

Elon Musk, made it possible for us to go from point A to B by simply plugging our cars in electric outlets.

In doing so, he is now the richest man on earth.

Once in a great while, men of their caliber visit us to show that the only limit to our imagination is our inability to see the possible in the impossible.

Except for Steve Jobs who left us before he can fully explore his potential, Jeff and Elon moved on to set their sights further on new frontiers.

Now, their eyes are looking up there in outer space and Mars. (Photo credits: Wikipedia, Forbes, DW)